Products & Services
Beatrice Concrete provides the full-range of ready-mixed concrete services, from high strength concrete for tall buildings to lightweight concrete for floors or elevator shafts. With hundreds of mix designs in our computer system and an infinite number of possible mixes, Beatrice Concrete has the experience and technology to provide you with the right concrete mix to fit your specific needs.
Whether you’re a contractor, engineer, architect, or individual homeowner, our concrete is produced to meet your specifications. For customer’s who aren’t sure what they need, our experienced staff is ready to provide consulting and assistance.

Mixes Available for Any Project:
- Mixes are designed from 2000-5000 psi
- Slag and Flyash mixes designed on a project basis
- Full range on admixtures to meet your mix design needs
- Fiber reinforcement available
- Specialty intregal colors available
Precast Products:
- Cattle Feed Bunks
- Single Hog Slats
- Bumper Blocks
- Pipe Supports
- Misc.
Ready Mix Concrete Support Items:
- Concrete equipment available for rental
- Reinforcing steel
- Concrete support products
Interested in sand, gravel or aggregate products? Click here to visit our sister company Beatrice Sand & Gravel to learn more!